Contract Health
Contract Health Services (CHS) is a federally funded program that assists with payments for specialty services that are not available within the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Health system. The MCN also provides additional funding to supplement these referred services.
CHS is a payer of last resort. All other resources must be utilized first, including, but not limited to: Medicare, Medicaid, Sooner Care, Veteran’s Benefits, Worker’s Compensation, and private insurance.
- Federally recognized Indian with proof of citizenship via a tribal citizenship card or Certificate Degree of Indian Blood (CDIB)
- Residence must be within IHS-designated service areas or within the Muscogee (Creek) Nation Reservation
Emergencies must be reported within 72 hours after the beginning of a treatment or admission to a health care facility. The notification is extended 30 days for the elderly 55 years of age or older who have a limiting physical condition that prevents them from notifying CHS.
Call 918-758- 2710 extension 4363 or 1-877-435-2323; if a case manager is unavailable, leave your name and number. If after-hours or weekends, your call will be returned the first business day.
The Tribal Vision Program aids in obtaining a vision examination and eyeglasses to eligible Creek citizens who reside within Oklahoma. Citizens are eligible every two years and must apply; however, diabetic patients are eligible every year. Funding is expended based on priority guidelines with enrolled original allottees and children 18 years of age and under receiving the highest priority. Please call 918-758-2710 ext. 4358 for more information.
The Emergency Medical Assistance (EMA) program is a tribal program that provides assistance to eligible Creek citizens regardless of where they live. This program assist with the following:
- Prescribed medications not available within a tribal or IHS health facility (no over the counter medications)
- Prescribed medical equipment necessary to sustain health and well-being (oxygen, concentrators, walkers)
- Prosthesis (artificial limbs)
This program is not intended to cover the total cost of prescriptions and related expenses. An application must be initiated at one of our health facilities and eligibility must be established prior to receiving assistance. There are benefit limit amounts for each category and an applicant must furnish documentation verifying all other available resources (Medicaid, Medicare, Private Insurance, etc.) have been exhausted.
Download Vision Application Here
Staff Contacts
CHS is staffed with more than 20 employees at the Central Office located in Okmulgee. These employees handle obligations and payments. There are 9 coordinators/techs located at 5 of our outlying facilities: the coordinators/techs process referrals for the review committee as well as schedule the appointments.
Contract Health – Clinic Contacts
918-689-2547 ext. 5032
918-279-3222 ext. 3222
918-279-3216 ext. 3216
918-623-1424 ext. 1013, 1017 or 1018
918-591-5772 ext. 5572
918-591-5754 ext. 5754
918-224-9310 ext. 2269, 2244 or 2268